AfterPay Logo

Don’t just pay later. Pay better.

Buy now, pay in four instalments over 6 weeks, and never pay interest.

How Afterpay works

Make a payment in just 4 easy steps

afterpay instruction image

Pay over 6 weeks

afterpay instruction calendar

Never pay interest

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Smart spend limits

Why use Afterpay?

We empower our customers with features designed to provide freedom and flexibility

Quick account setup
Spend limits start at around $600
Widely accepted online and in-store
Split the payments, zero interest

Who Can use Afterpay

  1. Be an individual who is at least 18 years old

  2. Be capable of entering into a legally binding contract

  3. Have a valid and verifiable email address and Australian mobile telephone number

  4. Provide a valid delivery address in Australia

  5. Have access to a Payment Method, for example by being the holder of a Card

  6. Use your real name and true and correct personal details and not use an alias or false identity

Get these amazing deals with Afterpay

Buy now and never pay interest

Afterpay Terms and Conditions

For full terms and conditions visit Afterpay.