Learn to Speak Like a Local: Essential Indonesian Phrases

May 17, 2023
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While learning essential words and phrases may not usually be on your pre-travel to-do list, it’s always a good idea to level up your linguistic skills in preparation for your holiday. Asking for directions may get you from A to B, but doing so in the local language will not only help in difficult situations – but also show your genuine interest and respect for the culture. 

But, with over 300 languages spoken throughout the country, where do you begin? For the most part, everyone you meet will speak Bahasa Indonesia – with extra brownie points for Balinese when on the island. So to help you out, we’ve rounded up the most common words and phrases – and put them all in one handy place. 

English: Good Morning

Indonesian: Selamat Pagi 

Balinese: Rahajeng Semeng

English: Good Afternoon

Indonesian: Selamat Siang 

Balinese: Rahajeng Tengai

English: Goodnight

Indonesian: Selamat Malam 

Balinese: Rahajeng Wengi

English: How are you?

Indonesian: Apa kabar? 

Balinese: Punapi gatra?

English: I'm sorry/pardon

Indonesian: Mohon maaf

Balinese: Ampura

English: Thank you

Indonesian: Terima kasih 

Balinese: Matur suksma

English: How much is this? 

Indonesian: Berapa harganya?

Balinese: Aji kuda niki?

English: Where is ...

Indonesian: Di mana …

Balinese: Dija …

English: I want to order … 

Indonesian: Saya mau pesan … 

Balinese: Tiang jagi numbas …

English: What is your name?

Indonesian: Siapa nama kamu? 

Balinese: Sira pesengen ragane?

English: My name is … 

Indonesian: Nama saya …

Balinese: Pesengan tiang …

English: Do you speak English?

Indonesian: Anda bisa bicara bahasa Inggris?

Balinese: Jerone uning ngeraos bahasa Inggris?

English: Today

Indonesian: Hari ini

Balinese: Dina ne mangkin

English: Tomorrow

Indonesian: Besok

Balinese: Benjang

English: Yesterday

Indonesian: Kemarin

Balinese: Dibi

Written by Rae-Anne Gouyette